Photos by Dáša from facebook

Dasha planted the pansies in two boxes. She did not put HNOJÍK in the left and HNOJÍK slept once in the first one. According to her, a positive result can be seen on the flowering of plants. And we agree.

pansies and manure

Aparagus falcatus - the result of fertilization

It will come to me soon to fertilize the rooms in February, but a good friend still shared the result when using Hnojík for the first time. Unfortunately, she did not take photos „before“, so we can only trust her comment.

Alena Šáchor

Photo of a rhyme tree by Lukáš using HNOJÍK for transplanting

In general, fertilizer should not be used when transplanting rooms. See article . But Lukáš didn’t care, because he didn’t read the article or didn’t believe him. He mixed the manure with the soil and transplanted the rhyme into it. He sent two photos 25 days apart. The third photo is with another weekly interval.

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PHOTO 2021 04 06 17 50 19